oh, you were so right she is amazing. I wish we had had playgrounds like that where I was growing up.

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Me, too! She sounds like an incredible woman - I love her spirit and determination.

Thanks for reading, Tracy!

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What a great story - restores faith in our humanity and culture. And it brings back wonderful memories for me. We lived steps from Holland Park in the summer of 2011, and my daughters spent hours at the park's wonderful playground and nature area - maybe you've seen it? This past summer my daughters were in the UK together and they made sure to return to that playground for a visit because it meant so much to them.

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Thank you! I thought it was a heartwarming story. And I haven't been to that playground - but now I'm curious!

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Thankful you and others care about our children.

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Thanks, Deborah. I loved learning Lady Allen's story!

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